I.I.S. “Giancarlo Vallauri”, founded in 1962, is an upper secondary school, based in Fossano, in the South of Piedmont and centrally located in the province of Cuneo.
I.I.S. “Giancarlo Vallauri” offers the following fields of study:
● Electronics and electrical engineering;
● ICT and Telecommunications;
● Mechanics, mechatronics and energy.
● Administration, Finance and Marketing;
● Tourism.
● Scientific lyceum for applied Science.
Projects are a strong element of innovation: the main projects concern the alternation between school and work experience (the students, from the third year, carry out internship experiences in the companies in Italy and abroad), language and IT certifications.
The specific characteristic of the institute is a continuous progress in the digitalisation processes of teaching and in a series of IT equipment in terms of laboratories and multimedia equipment
The management of the numerous curricular and extracurricular activities is carried out through working groups and a staff of Presidency
The number of students is about 1900; teachers are about 180; the administrative, technical and auxiliary staff is about 40 people.
ADDRESS 1: via San Michele, 68 – 12045 Fossano (CN)
ADDRESS 2: via San Giovanni Bosco, 2 – 12045 Fossano (CN)
Tel: +39 0172/694969
Fax: +39 0172/694527
Email: info@vallauri.edu
OFFICIAL/INSTITUTIONAL email: CNIS01700@pec.istruzione.it
For further information about bus schedules, refer to the website www.grandabus.it/
For further information about train schedules, refer to the website www.trenitalia.com
The Applied Sciences Lyceum stresses a scientific-based approach with main focus on science, Physics, Chemistry and Maths together with Information and Communication Technology competence for the acquisition of skills required for scientific sector of university studies.
Besides a strong cultural learning in literature, history, and philosophy (Italian, History, Geography, Philosophy, English) it offers a scientific preparation with laboratory activities open to new technologies. The main disciplines are: Mathematic, Physics, Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry and ICT.
The telecommunications course integrates scientific and technological competences in the field of ICT systems, information processing, applications and web technology, communication networks and apparatus. More particularly, students are involved in the analysis, comparison, design, installation and management of electronic devices and instruments and telecommunications systems.
Students learn about the phases of projects management and life cycle of applications. They will be able to plan the production activities on information systems with precise reference to national and international legislations related to safety and protection of data
The mechanics and mechatronics course blends scientific and technological competences in the field of mechanics, automation and energy. More particularly, learners hold a wide general culture and technical skills that are involved in different production contexts and in the general themes connected with the design, production and management of apparatus and systems and the relative work organisation and technological services of the manufacturing industry.
The electrotechnics course blends scientific and technological competences in the field of materials, design, construction and subsequent inspection testing in productive contexts regarding electric and electronic systems, electrical wiring circuits and automation networking. More particularly, students focus on the design, production and management of civil and industrial electric systems and installations.
They also follow the constant improvement of technologies such as Domotics
· Specialisation course: Administration, Finance and Marketing
The course offers a strong cultural development and a high technical preparation
particularly in Economy, Administration, Finance, Insurance and Marketing. The main
disciplibe are: Business Administration and Politics, Law, Foreign Languages (English, French), Computer Science. Students, however, attend a basic curriculum in which there are disciplines such as Italian, Science, Physics, Mathematics, History, Physical Education, Geography
· Specialisation course: Tourism
The course concerns the integrated enhancement of cultural heritage, artistic, craft, food and wine, landscape and environmental protection and offers a strong basic cultural development and a high technical preparation particularly in Tourism, Administration and Law. The main disciplines are: Tourism Business Administration, English, French, Law, Geography and Art History. In addition there is a third foreign language, Spanish, that is taught from the third year.
Vallauri Erasmus+ Projects
Vallauri is an Erasmus Accredited school.
Since 2019-2020 the Vallauri high school has been taking part in the European Erasmus Plus.
Erasmus+ is the European Union program concerning education training, youth and sport in Europe.
For each project, the school sets up specific working groups made of teachers, chosen according to motivations and specific skills. In the school you can find a working team called “Europe working group” aimed at organizing such international projects.
International collaboration projects already realized by Vallauri are:
• IINTOS PROJECT: it lasted two years and it was concluded in July 2020
• INGDIVS PROJECT: it lasted 3 years and it was concluded in June 2019